To All RSU1 Families of 100% Distance Learning Students:
The Food Service Staff at RSU1 wants to make Breakfast and Lunch available to ALL students in the district -- even those that are learning remotely. This year, because of the generous action of the USDA during the pandemic, all meals will be at no cost to all students.
We will be offering bagged breakfast and lunch, available at 2 locations. Regardless of where your children attend school, you can pick up at one of these 2 locations. You can pick up as many as 3 meals for each student at a time (i.e. 3 breakfast and 3 lunches). Meals must be ordered at least 1 day in advance. You can place your order with Tim Harkins, Food Service Director, by calling (443-6601, x114) or email:
Bath Middle School: p/up at the front entrance Tuesday or Thursday 9:15-10:15am
Morse High School: p/up at the kitchen loading dock (Maple Street) Tuesday or Thursday 12:00-1:00pm
Meals MUST be picked up by a student, parent or guardian. Under this program, caregivers are not allowed to pick up meals for students.
Please let us know when you will be arriving and someone will bring the meals out to you. These meals will have perishable items that will need to be refrigerated below 40 degrees F upon receipt. Some items may need to be reheated to 165 degrees F prior to serving.
Feel free to call if you have questions.
Tim Harkins
Food Service Director, RSU1
443-6601 x114