Morse High School Music Association Awards Scholarships
The Morse High School Music Association awarded five scholarships this year to RSU 1 music students who attended summer music programs.
Helena Schultz, a rising senior, attended the University of Miami Frost Young Musicians Camp, a two-week program where she enrolled in the Contemporary Song Writing Program. When asked about her experience, she commented, “Not only did I get to learn about songwriting and work with my instructors on vocal technique, but I also learned about the behind the scene aspects of the music business and the production that goes into creating your song.” Helena is a member of the Morse High School Band, Jazz Band and Chorus.
Vanessa St. Pierre, a recent Morse graduate who was active in the Morse chorus program, attended University of New Hampshire Summer Youth Music School where she concentrated on voice. The summer program brings together talented young musicians who share excitement about music.
Incoming freshmen, Angus Tibbetts, Ben Foreman, and Zack Foreman attended the Merrymeeting Summer Band Camp, a week long program in Topsham. All three were members of the Bath Middle School Band and Jazz Band and will continue playing in high school.
The scholarships are funded by the Morse High School Music Enrichment fund which was established in 2018 with a generous donation from Allen Commeau, a Morse Class of 1962 alumni. Mr. Commeau hopes to support students that express an interest in music performance and give them the opportunity to meet others from around the country that share this interest. The fund provides annual scholarships to current music students to attend summer youth music schools as well as expose students to other musical organizations. Morse alumni and local music enthusiasts are supporting this ongoing effort with additional contributions.
In addition to funding the scholarships this year, over forty Morse music enthusiasts attended a production of Sophisticated Ladies performed at the Maine State Music Theater.